Deluxe winch video borehole

The Deluxe GeoVISION™ offers a one person, portable, color video, borehole logging system.  Depending on the options used, such as dive lights and situational conditions such as the clarity of the water, one may view surfaces as much as ten feet from the camera.  The high-resolution, low light, deluxe systems are designed to view boreholes and water wells 1 inch (26 mm) to 12 inches (610 mm) in diameter. Larger voids may be viewed with the pan tilt attachment, an optional or owner-supplied auxiliary light, and/or the ultra low light camera. Maximum depth is 2000 feet (600 meters). The system may be purchased with a monitor and DVD recorder or you can use your own DVD, VCRVCR/TV combination, or a Camcorder with external A/V recording capability to make video logs.
The GeoVISION™ Deluxe 
GeoVISION™ is built better so we can guarantee them to work longer.

The GeoVISION™ Deluxe system has a two year limited warranty when it is purchased with any GeoVISION™ stainless steel (Standard, nano, or micro) camera. The two year warranty includes the base system parts, cable, stainless steel camera, and motorized pan and tilt. The usual one year warranty applies to the Jr cameras and second party items such as the monitors, and recording devices.
Deluxe GeoVISIONTM Components Table
Seven GeoVISION interchangeable cameras are available with the Deluxe system.
All Deluxe Systems have the following features:
The motorized GeoVISIONTM  winch with tripod, is equipped with a one-way brake, slip rings, ball bearings, and a reel-locking knob. It is very durable and efficient to operate.
Deluxe shipping case.  Cable lengths of 325, 650, 1000, 1650, and 2000 feet (100, 200, 300, 500, and 600 meters) are marked in one foot increments. Three-conductor polyethylene jacketed 160 lb. test cable and a waterproof connector on the camera end.
The power supply (120-240 vac 50 - 60 Hz) includes input power cord, 12 Volts DC input power jack, microphone-in jack, to winch power/signal modular jack, audio amp with speaker, OSD circuitry and audio/video input/output jack. Includes a 15 ft. modular cable from the power supply to winch.
The centralizer is attached above the camera. The cable safety support, owners manual, instruction video, tools and other small items are standard with each system. The operating temperature 32°F [0 ° C] to 100° F [37° C]
The On Screen Camera Depth Display (OSD) will show the camera’s depth in feet or meters to one decimal point in any one of five locations on the video screen and will appear on the recorded video. The numeric display can be located in the center of the screen, in any one of the four corners, or not shown by pushing a button to cycle through these alternative locations. It is supplied with the footage counter encoder/wheel/clamp assembly. The OSD controls are incorporated in the control panel of the power supply control box. It has a count reset button on it and if you press the reset button for longer than 5 seconds the display will start counting up from zero until released. All necessary cables and instructions are included.
Selected Option Descriptions
Cable is available in lengths of 325, 650, 1000, 1650, and 2000 feet. – Three-conductor polyethylene jacketed 200 lb. test cable and a waterproof connector on the camera end.
7 Inch flat screen Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Color Monitor – Includes Sun shade - LCD Monitor or VCR Mounting Head on Winch
LCD Monitor or VCR Mounting Head on Winch
Motorized Pan and Tilt Attachment
Side-Looking Mirror for use in 2 inch to 3 feet boreholes
Inverter 300  Watt - 12V to 115VAC 60Hz
Quad dive light - The attachment uses 4 dive lights that contain their own battery power source and can be used in conjunction with other light attachments.  The lights are rated at 1000 foot pressure and will operate for approximately 4 hours on a fresh set of 4 AA alkaline batteries.  The attachment clamp holds four dive lights and allows them to be positioned at several different positions near the camera. With modification the quad dive light can be used to depths of 2000 feet.
A dual dive light option is available for use in large diameter bores.  The attachment uses 2 dive lights that contain their own battery power source and can be used in conjunction with other light attachments.  The lights are rated at 500 foot pressure and will operate for approximately 4 hours on a fresh set of 4 AA alkaline batteries.  The attachment clamp holds both dive light and allows them to be positioned at several different locations near the camera. With modification the dual dive light can be used to depths of 2000 feet.
Microphone to place verbal comments on the recording

Select options and configure a Deluxe GeoVISION™ System

Depending upon options the system weighs between 60 and 115 pounds.
The  GeoVISION™ Deluxe system has a one or two year Limited Warranty on parts and labor. See the warranty section These specifications are subject to change without notification.

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